Saturday, June 23, 2012

Huntress from Austin,Texas,sets the bar at Blaauwkrantz!

During June I had the pleasure of hunting with Mark and Diane Simpson from Austin,Texas on their third safari to Blaauwkrantz since 2007.
On that first safari Mark and Diane managed to video bushpigs on a night drive.This created quite some excitement in camp that night as seeing bushpigs is a rarity and filming them even more so.
On their second trip here in 2009 whilst Diane was targeting nyala we discussed the possibility of her hunting bushpig.

The plan was hatched for their next safari.

Finally they arrived in 2012 and we could set about our mission to get Diane to hunt a big bushpig.Various baits were prepared and one bait indicated that the pigs were arriving early in the afternoon already.We waited for the perfect afternoon of their 7 day hunt  when the wind would be in our faces from the blind's position and arrived there at 2pm already....something that has never happened before as we usually take in position just before dark!
We hadn't been waiting more than an hour when the sounder arrived.We had to wait quite a while for the largest bushpig,a boar,to present himself for a shot.Diane was patient and made a perfect shot with her Weatherby .257 loaded with 110 grain Barnes X's to kill the 160lbs boar at 53 yards.Not only was she the first Blaauwkrantz lady hunter to shoot a bushpig but the earliest ever taken at a bait here too!
Diane then went on to hunt for warthog and managed to shoot a very nice boar too, making a perfect shot at 175 yards.
So Diane set the bar for being the first lady to complete the "Blaauwkrantz Hogslam" too.It was a honour and a privilege to hunt with "Bush Queen" Diane who understands that determination and respect for the animals would be the key to fulfill her goal in a single safari.

Coincidentally Mark manged to get it all on film again.Well done to the both of you!

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