MORE 2012 bushpig successes:
Lee Anderson May 2012;
Jack Manning May 2012;
Bianca Rudolph May 2012;
Ray and Zak Cadiz May 2012.
As we all know bushpigs are relatively widespread in South Africa, yet targeting these animals on a single safari remains a real challenge.
At Blaauwkrantz with the abundance of impenetrable thickets things were no different and dogs were the only way of realistically killing a bushpig other than a very rare chance encounter.
Over the years I saw that the big pigs were mainly eluding us by using the dog method.The baiting method was the other option and over the last seven years I have been refining this method and I am sure that there are many things that I will still discover but we have come a long way in realising what it really takes to consistently bait trophy sized bushpig.
Getting a bushpig to bait isn't too difficult but the hard part is placing the hunter in the right position at the right time.Apart from the actual cost of getting the bushpigs to an attractive bait the cost of studying and analysing their patterns at the bait is time consuming and complex too.
Prospective bushpig hunters need to understand this.
Put simply: It's much easier to simply set out hunting a bushbuck or kudu than a bushpig!
Good hunting.