Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Latest Blaauwkrantz Hog Slammer: Mr Christian Brendel from South Africa

The latest Blaauwkrantz Hogslammer,Bushking Christian Brendel, had hunted hogs,wild pigs and peccaries all over the World on every continent stretching from the America's to Europe,Africa,Asia,Australia and even to remote New Zealand.Having lived in South Africa for 16 years already, Christian however had still never been lucky enough to successfully hunt a bushpig to add to his vast tally of 139 wild pigs taken in his vast hunting career.
Very wisely Mr Brendel chose Blaauwkrantz as his destination to add bushpig to his impressive swine collection.
Only on the third night after his arrival did conditions and wind direction allow us to head for a bait site that we thought would offer us the best chance at getting a shot at the elusive bushpig.

We got into position and waited very quietly with the breeze carrying the scent of the pig-licious bait right up our nostrils.After a hour and half a single pig appeared and I could make out it was a big sow,we waited for twenty minutes to see if anything else would show up and finally we agreed that that was the bushpig Christian had been waiting for.He made an excellent shot and the 140lbs SCI silver medal sow dropped in its tracks.
The next day we were scouting for warthog and kudu when we spotted a big boar and Christian made an excellent shot at 230 yards with his .375. Christian had shot many warthogs throughout his career but never before had he shot such a heavy warthog,it weighed exactly 100kg or 220lbs!

Congratulations Christian!!

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