Monday, May 30, 2016

Blaauwkrantz’s first Australian Bushking The Blaauwkrantz Bushking award was handed to Mr. Darren Wilson from Australia last week, making him the first Australian recipient of this prestigious award. I have always maintained Australians are reluctant to hunt bushpigs as the word has another meaning in the Outback ;-) Appropriately Darren was one of the lucky hunters to strike luck at the bait on his first evening of his endeavour to become the incumbent Bushking at Blaauwkrantz. Darren spent 10 days hunting here and took a huge variety of excellent trophies. We look forward to his return and friendly company.

1 comment:

  1. Elk hunting in Arizona has survived through many ups and downs. Thanks to current interest by sportsman, wildlife managers and others trophy elk hunting in Arizona continues to flourish. huntingea
