Thursday, April 21, 2011

Our principles and efforts in preservation of natural habitat and conservation of wildlife is paying off.

Avid jungle hunter,Benji Boyd, from Panama learnt about African bushpigs as being extremely hard to target as a trophy specie and decided to visit Blaauwkrantz in an attempt to hunt these elusive animals.

Little did he expect to be as successful as he was! Benji the "Bushking" shot three large,adult bushpig in his weeks' visit.We staked out three of my baits using the waxing moonlight to see the pigs that are mainly nocturnal.
We saw no fewer than 12 bushpigs including the younger ones and could select the right one to shoot with relative ease each time.

The fact that Benji could experience bushpig hunting of this quality is testamant to our stoic principles and efforts in preservation of their natural habitat and conserving them from indiscrimanate killing and poaching because they do have an economic value.
We are quick to defend our rights as private landowners from trepassers,poachers,mining,and political intimidation.These principles are filtering down to our wildlife (incl.bushpigs) who can carry on their existence in this World that is becoming increasingly dominated by human activity.
I must add that Benji's patience,determination and luck apart from his shooting skill also contributed massively to his accomplishment.

I am currently registered at a tertiary academic institution studying Environmental Management as well as conducting a research project on our property on another often controversial and misunderstood specie that is also benefiting tremendously from our habitat preservation and wildlife conservation principles.


I will try my best to keep everyone informed inbetween my studies,research,defending property rights and of course watching bushpigs.

Yours in conserving habitat,